Rebuttal by


For easy reference I am going to answer Sheila by numbered paragraphs.

1) The fact that an individual or his parents can not remember anything which would seem to be causa- tive of subsequent TVism is neither surprising or

unusual. While some TVs can remember specific events of a causative nature, most cannot. Unless there is some significance attached to an event in childhood it will be buried in the subconcious and not be sub- ject to recall. Events which might have a bearing on subsequent behaviour but which at the time had no significance will have no reason for remaining in conscious memory. As to family members, most par- ents would not intentionally do something that might have this effect and would consider that whatever they did for and to a child were not only right and proper but for his own good. Thus they too have no reason for tying up an event. (This obviously ex- cludes the cases of pinafore punishment etc. which would doubtless be remembered by both parents and child, But we are talking about cases where there is no memory.)

2) I do not know what signigicance a particular time period has, it is no part of my basic argument. TVism has existed in all cultures, climes and con- ditions. Gender envy, whether it leads to cross dressing or not, is recognized by anthropologists in almost all primative cultures. I don't see what this has to do with the feeling of being a "born TV".

3) "Circuits" do not make personalities, it is the other way around. A personality of whatever type develops by living and some of the millions of neurons and "circuits" available in the new and relatively